8. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2)

8. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2)

008 | The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 2) It’s time to cover the last 4 centers in our journey through the Human Design BodyGraph. Remember, the centers in Human Design are energetic points full of their own unique energy and themes.  Having a center defined or...
7. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1)

7. The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1)

007 | The 9 Human Design Centers (Part 1) The centers in Human Design are unique. They each have their own energy and energetic themes as well as their own not-self themes. Knowing which centers you have defined and undefined can be the key to understanding the energy...
6. 5 Reasons to Use Human Design

6. 5 Reasons to Use Human Design

006 | 5 Reasons to Use Human Design Human Design is kind of the new kid on the block when it comes to the esoteric/spiritual/self-help world. But that shouldn’t stop you from giving it a try. (Seriously. It’s life-changing!) If you’ve made it this...
5. Projector Essentials: Invitations 101

5. Projector Essentials: Invitations 101

005 | Projector Essentials: Invitations 101 A huge part of being a Human Design Projector is waiting for the invitation. But that’s easier said than done…because HOW are you supposed to wait? And let’s not even start with how unhelpful a lot of Human...